Calathea // Makoyana

Commonly known as: peacock plant, cathedral windows

With its bold markings and bright coloring, it's no surprise that the Calathea makoyana is known as the peacock plant. If cared for correctly, this plant can grow up to 2 feet tall. While the Calathea family is known to be a bit difficult to care for, makoyana is the strongest variety and is a good introduction to Calatheas. 

Calathea varieties include some of the most stunning tropical foliage plants in the world and are often confused with their close relative Maranta or the “prayer plant”. These plants grow on the bed of the tropical forest and have large leaves to catch the dripping water from trees.

Bright indirect light, but no direct sun. Sun will fade the beautiful markings on the leaves.

Prefers high humidity and moist soil. Regular small amounts of water is ideal, but be careful not to drown the plant.

Care level
These plants needs some care

Safe for cats and dogs


*If you suspect your pet may have ingested a potentially toxic substance, call the ASPCA at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible.