Sansevieria // Trifasciata
Common name: snake plant
This plant is native to West Africa but widely naturalized in south-eastern USA, the Caribbean and on several Pacific islands.
This is a succulent that thrives on neglect so it's perfect for beginners. While most plants take away oxygen at night, this one gives off oxygen and makes for a great plant for your bedroom. A lesser known fact about this species is that it flowers, although that's pretty rare in indoor conditions. These plants can handle low-light well but the intricate patterns on their leaves get far more pronounced if they live in brighter rooms.
It can tolerate low light but thrives in bright rooms with or without direct sunWater
Water twice a month and once the soil feels fully dryCare level
Can handle less care
Not safe* for pets
*If you suspect your pet may have ingested a potentially toxic substance, call the APCC at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible.