Your Plant Valentine

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Plant lovers share a fascination with the botanical world. When it comes to our houseplants, we cater to their needs — how much water? Direct or indirect light? Humidifier or mister? — and adjust our habits to their preferences.

Like any relationship, life with houseplants requires effort and a little compromise. While some plant matches feel effortless, others seem clunky and incompatible from the start. Beyond what a plant needs to thrive, how do you really know their vibe? 

Like us, houseplants have widely different temperaments and their personalities can mirror our own varied human needs for connection. We love the thrill of finding the perfect houseplant to bring home, but physical looks and first impressions aside, how do you know if you and your new Significant Plant Other will share a spark? In honor of this season of love, we are playing the role of interspecies matchmaker with our favorite nine houseplants to find you the perfect plant valentine. 

For the Tropical Girlie

Tilansia Cyanea

Known as Pink Quill, this plant is fun-loving and colorful. Loves attention from you as much as the sun. An epiphyte, they know how to strike out on their own, but they don’t shy away from receiving help as their root system literally clings to rocks and trees for support. Perfect for the queen of the group chat who smells like piña colada and is always on vacation. Pet-friendly. 


For the Tender Water Sign

Ficus Ginseng

This bulbous cultivar is perfect for detail-oriented plant lovers and an entry point for bonsai novices. Well-suited for the poetry lover who knows how to read a birth chart and spends the weekends thrifting for vintage sweaters and used books. If you get teary-eyed at sunsets or listen to Beverly Glenn Copeland, this is your valentine. 


For the Radical Extrovert

Bellissimo Palm

This indoor palm tree known as Bella or Parlor Palm tree is a fast grower and lives comfortably inside. A friendly type that doesn’t mind if their roots get snug in their pot — the more the merrier! Ideal for the crowd-lover who stays out late dancing on the weekends but gets up early for mutual aid. Pet-friendly. 


For the Super Femme

Peperomia Ginny Pink-edge

This Peperomia loves a playful splash of color and shines best in bright light. As a semi-succulent, peppy is a planner so you don’t have to worry about underwatering. If you love sharing cute animal memes, arranging weekly planned outfits or keeping a daily journal adorned with stickers and written in pastel gel pens, this is the plant for you. Pet-friendly. 


For the Fashion Icon

Calathea Medallion

This striking tropical foliage lives for a look, but avoids the harsh glare of the spotlight. Never a leaf out of order, this plant leans toward high-maintenance but pays it all back in stunning leafy fashion. The perfect domestic partner for the person who steams their clothes for fun, has a 7-step skincare routine, and recites daily affirmations in the mirror. Pet-friendly. 


For the Niche Collector

Philodendron Pink Princess

A beautiful hybrid with naturally occurring pink variegation, this rare beauty is remarkably easy to care for. With an elegant uncommon variegation, this plant is always fascinating to behold and compliments the person who collects first edition books, writes exclusively with a fountain pen, and has a membership to the Met. Not pet-friendly. 


For the Food Connoisseur

Philodendron Swiss Cheese

A fast-growing Monstera that loves to climb, has a knack for cleaning air of toxins, and is known for its holey leaves. This plant is an ideal match for someone who loves to cook, has an herb garden, and talks about compost a lot. If you keep a stock bag of vegetable scraps in the freezer and drink natural wine, this plant is for you. 


For the Hopeless Romantic

Piper Crocatum 

This South American rainforest climber is a rare find. Found on the forest floor, this vining plant loves company and clings to trees. With whimsical heart-shaped leaves, they are the perfect match for someone who loves stargazing, listens to Anita Baker in candlelit bubble baths, and quotes bell hooks from memory. Not pet-friendly. 


For the Mysterious Introvert

ZZ Raven

This cultivar is a loner with few needs. Their rhizome roots store water to keep them hydrated during periods of drought. Their leaves start green but turn a blackish-purple, giving off a moody goth vibe. Perfect for the lovable grouch who hates Valentine’s Day but loves to decant French wine and sing along to La bohème. Not pet-friendly.