Healing Herbs Grow Kit$60
Medicinal Herbs to Heal your Body & Soul
While our primary focus is helping plant parents keep their plants alive, we also want to share the gift and gratification of growing fresh herbs and blooms with you. After researching the best and easiest varieties of greens that you can grow in your window garden, we chose to work with Hudson Valley Seed Co. to help us with this mission. They are a values-driven seed company that practices and celebrates responsible seed production and stewardship. Much of their seeds are produced in their certified organic farm in upstate New York.
This kit contains -
1. Sacred Basil, Echinacea and Catnip seed packets
2. Three Hand painted 4" terracotta pots with saucers
3. Three peat moss pots and dehydrated soil discs
About the Herbs:
Sacred Basil - Temperate Tulsi, also sold by some as "Kapoor" Tulsi. Tulsi, considered a sacred plant in the Hindu religion, has been cultivated for at least 3,000 years. Known as the Incomparable One, Queen of the Herbs, and Elixir of Life, the scent, as well as preparations of the herb, have been used to heal for centuries. Today's plant scientists classify Sacred Basil as an adaptogen, a substance that helps us adapt mentally and physically to stressful circumstances. One whiff of its exquisite aroma and you'll understand why! This particular variety, O. africanum, hails from East Africa and is known for it's tutti-frutti scent, fast growth, and frost tolerance, and is the most commonly found variety in the U.S., as it is very well-adapted to the North American climate. This variety makes a delicious tea–and is much beloved by the bees.
Echinacea - Echinos, the Greek word from which Echinacea is derived, means "hedgehog" or "sea urchin." While this accurately captures the bristly head of this coneflower, it does little to place the plant in space and time. Echinacea is actually native to eastern America, home to neither aforementioned creature. A widely known immune booster, it is most often grown as an ornamental. It also attracts and feeds important native pollinators, making Echinacea a healer both for us and for the environment.
Catnip - A calm kitty happened upon a wild patch of an alluring herb. Into her nose flooded the intoxicating chemical nepetalactone, the source of catnip's power. It bound to her olfactory receptors, causing her to become intoxicated. The natural high opened her eyes to a magical realm she had never known, showing her a new kingdom over which to reign. From that day forth, she became the kitty princess the ruler of her own imaginative (and, yes, possibly imaginary) world. Celebrate your kitty's reign with the gift of a catnip patch. Catnip is a great treat to grow for cats, but it is also a wonderful perennial herb for the garden. Its fragrant flowers attract many beneficial pollinators. Plus, catnip is a medicinal herb for humans, too. It's used as a very mild sleep aid in the form of catnip tea.
Important note: Growing plants from seeds can seem intimidating, but it is not that difficult. If you do not succeed on your first try, please do not give up, as each bag comes with plenty of seeds to experiment with.

Medicinal Herbs to Heal your Body & Soul
While our primary focus is helping plant parents keep their plants alive, we also want to share the gift and gratification of growing fresh herbs and blooms with you. After researching the best and easiest varieties of greens that you can grow in your window garden, we chose to work with Hudson Valley Seed Co. to help us with this mission. They are a values-driven seed company that practices and celebrates responsible seed production and stewardship. Much of their seeds are produced in their certified organic farm in upstate New York.
This kit contains -
1. Sacred Basil, Echinacea and Catnip seed packets
2. Three Hand painted 4" terracotta pots with saucers
3. Three peat moss pots and dehydrated soil discs
About the Herbs:
Sacred Basil - Temperate Tulsi, also sold by some as "Kapoor" Tulsi. Tulsi, considered a sacred plant in the Hindu religion, has been cultivated for at least 3,000 years. Known as the Incomparable One, Queen of the Herbs, and Elixir of Life, the scent, as well as preparations of the herb, have been used to heal for centuries. Today's plant scientists classify Sacred Basil as an adaptogen, a substance that helps us adapt mentally and physically to stressful circumstances. One whiff of its exquisite aroma and you'll understand why! This particular variety, O. africanum, hails from East Africa and is known for it's tutti-frutti scent, fast growth, and frost tolerance, and is the most commonly found variety in the U.S., as it is very well-adapted to the North American climate. This variety makes a delicious tea–and is much beloved by the bees.
Echinacea - Echinos, the Greek word from which Echinacea is derived, means "hedgehog" or "sea urchin." While this accurately captures the bristly head of this coneflower, it does little to place the plant in space and time. Echinacea is actually native to eastern America, home to neither aforementioned creature. A widely known immune booster, it is most often grown as an ornamental. It also attracts and feeds important native pollinators, making Echinacea a healer both for us and for the environment.
Catnip - A calm kitty happened upon a wild patch of an alluring herb. Into her nose flooded the intoxicating chemical nepetalactone, the source of catnip's power. It bound to her olfactory receptors, causing her to become intoxicated. The natural high opened her eyes to a magical realm she had never known, showing her a new kingdom over which to reign. From that day forth, she became the kitty princess the ruler of her own imaginative (and, yes, possibly imaginary) world. Celebrate your kitty's reign with the gift of a catnip patch. Catnip is a great treat to grow for cats, but it is also a wonderful perennial herb for the garden. Its fragrant flowers attract many beneficial pollinators. Plus, catnip is a medicinal herb for humans, too. It's used as a very mild sleep aid in the form of catnip tea.
Important note: Growing plants from seeds can seem intimidating, but it is not that difficult. If you do not succeed on your first try, please do not give up, as each bag comes with plenty of seeds to experiment with.