Maranta Prayer Lemon Lime$22
A dancing plant.
Maranta is commonly known as the Prayer plant because of the way in which their leaves fold together following the removal of bright light - a behavior called nyctinasty. These plants are closely related to Calathea genera, and have the same striking variegated leaves.
This particular variety also known as leuconeura had bold green and neon patterns and is a little harder to find.
Care and Maintenance
Keep this plant in bright indirect light, but not direct sun. Sun will fade the beautiful markings on the leaves. This plant prefers high humidity, so regular small amounts of water is ideal.
What's included
- Plant
- Plant care and repotting instruction cards
- 6" hand-painted terracotta pot & saucer (if ordered)
- Dehydrated soil wafer is included with pot
This plant is safe for cats and dogs.

A dancing plant.
Maranta is commonly known as the Prayer plant because of the way in which their leaves fold together following the removal of bright light - a behavior called nyctinasty. These plants are closely related to Calathea genera, and have the same striking variegated leaves.
This particular variety also known as leuconeura had bold green and neon patterns and is a little harder to find.
Care and Maintenance
Keep this plant in bright indirect light, but not direct sun. Sun will fade the beautiful markings on the leaves. This plant prefers high humidity, so regular small amounts of water is ideal.
What's included
- Plant
- Plant care and repotting instruction cards
- 6" hand-painted terracotta pot & saucer (if ordered)
- Dehydrated soil wafer is included with pot
This plant is safe for cats and dogs.