Horti White Pot & Saucer$14
At Horti, the pots we choose are curated much like the plants that live in them, with careful attention to function, style, and affordability so that you can stay focused on the fun stuff: tending to your plants. A lot of plant shops push pottery with little education about what you actually need to help your plants thrive. Pottery is used as an easy up-sell more than an opportunity to educate, and what you eventually carry out of the store is often a costly add-on that you know little about. We wanted to fix that.
Our signature hand-painted pots are made from terracotta, which means “baked earth," and has been used by humans dating back to Ancient Egypt for everything from roofing homes and sculpting busts to potting plants. Made from natural earth instead of synthetic or petroleum-based materials, these clay pots are good for both your plants and the environment we all share.
What's included:
- Hand painted clay pot
- Clay saucer

At Horti, the pots we choose are curated much like the plants that live in them, with careful attention to function, style, and affordability so that you can stay focused on the fun stuff: tending to your plants. A lot of plant shops push pottery with little education about what you actually need to help your plants thrive. Pottery is used as an easy up-sell more than an opportunity to educate, and what you eventually carry out of the store is often a costly add-on that you know little about. We wanted to fix that.
Our signature hand-painted pots are made from terracotta, which means “baked earth," and has been used by humans dating back to Ancient Egypt for everything from roofing homes and sculpting busts to potting plants. Made from natural earth instead of synthetic or petroleum-based materials, these clay pots are good for both your plants and the environment we all share.
What's included:
- Hand painted clay pot
- Clay saucer